The Hero Wins Dulwich Area Masters 2013

Venue: Peckham Liberal Club
Date: 09 11 2013
Dress: Mormons v Rastafarians



Last Saturday (7th Nov) marked the 87th anniversary of the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie as Emperor of Ethiopia – hear me now!

Yesterday also marks the 180th anniversary of the Latter Day Saints fleeing across the Missouri river – praise brother!


What better way to celebrate this than a joint darts tournament – DAM XI – Mormons v Rastafarians.




Date: 9th November 2013

Time: 5pm start (be there for 4:30 to avoid The Captain!)

Theme: Mormons v Rastafarians (it’s fine to black-up in Peckham)

Venue: The Peckham Liberal Club (£50 charge shared amongst us) -

The rules:

Scoring – I’m afraid LISA MKII is not yet available


Jamie and I checked out the venue last night. An idea of what it is like can be gauged by the spelling, grammar and AOB on the attached minutes from their latest AGM. Heating does not come on for another 2 weeks so dress appropriately. They sell Captain Morgan and have more in the store room. Food is not available, an abundance of Formica and nicotine stains walls are.


Remember that your outfit denotes your first round grouping. Group with the least players chooses from the other group to join them. Choose wisely.


We only have 7 confirmed (with Jo coming along a bit later) but never fear we have the perfect format for it.


The Rage Gets The Most Rendered and Wins The Jocky Award


Group Matchups during Dulwich Area Masters 2013

Player with ✔ progressed into the next round (only corresponds to group games)

Group Round 1 - Mount Zion: The Heatseeker ✔
Group Round 1 - Mount Zion: The Hero ✔
Group Round 1 - Mount Zion: The Rage
Group Round 1 - Mount Zion: Double
Group Round 1 - Redemption Song: Double ✔
Group Round 1 - Redemption Song: The Rage ✔
Group Round 1 - Redemption Song: El 8 Ball
Group Round 1 - Salt Lake City: Bungle ✔
Group Round 1 - Salt Lake City: The Matador ✔
Group Round 1 - Salt Lake City: El 8 Ball
Group Semi - Babylon: The Hero ✔
Group Semi - Babylon: The Heatseeker ✔
Group Semi - Babylon: The Rage
Group Semi - Tabernacle: The Matador ✔
Group Semi - Tabernacle: Bungle ✔
Group Semi - Tabernacle: Double
Group Final - Mormon v Rastafarian Smackdown: The Hero ✔
Group Final - Mormon v Rastafarian Smackdown: The Matador
Group Final - Mormon v Rastafarian Smackdown: Bungle
Group Final - Mormon v Rastafarian Smackdown: El 8 Ball

Players and Points

The Hero - 9 pts
The Matador - 6 pts
The Heatseeker - 6 pts
Bungle - 6 pts
The Rage - 4 pts
Double - 4 pts
El 8 Ball - 2 pts