Getting a Nine Dart Finish

How to throw like a pro and get a nine dart finish.

After throwing a 180 the 9 dart finish the rarest of rare breeds in the darts world. Only a few televised 9 dart finishes have ever been witnessed and the avarage player could only dream of the ultimate leg of darts. Heh, i know all that, how do i throw one you fool?

Common maths would dictate the following method - 180 (3 x treble 20), 180 (3 x treble 20) leaving 141.

The are quite a few ways of achieving the 141 however

  • treble 20 (60), treble 19 (57) and double 12 (24)
  • treble 18 (54), treble 17 (51) and double 18 (36)
  • treble 20 (60), treble 15 (45) and double 18 (36)

Some prefer a bullseye finish:

  • treble 17 (51), double 20 (40), and bullseye (50)
  • treble 19 (57), double 17 (34), and bullseye (50)

Other options include

  • treble 20 (60), treble 17 (51) and double 15 (30)
  • treble 19 (57), treble 18 (54) and double 15 (30)
  • treble 19 (57), treble 16 (48) and double 18 (36)

Bobby George who claimed his maths was so bad he just memorised ever conceivable outshot used another method much to the laughter of some until they were at the receiving end. Eat my darts!

  • treble 20 (60), treble 19 (57) and bullseye (50) = 167. Do it three times and i believe it's your round.

A few to view here