The Matador Wins Dulwich Area Masters 2014

Venue: Peckham Liberal Club
Date: 08 11 2014
Dress: Nigerian Dress

Men, I’ll keep it short. Hot on the heels of James ‘Frankendart’ Hewitt’s victory in Bermuda Classic 2014 – Transformers - I bring you the people’s favourite duel dart board Autumn based darts tournament – Dulwich Area Masters 2014. Details When: Saturday 8th November 2014 Time: 6pm for 6:30 start (fines start at 6pm). Dad friendly time Location: Peckham Liberal Club ( Theme: Native Nigerian Dress Rules - I know some of you will have baulked at the theme but never fear, your style guru is here with 8 suggested styles: 1. Good, but this looks little too like an Ibizan Beach Party - 2. Wrong direction. Try looking a little more traditional - 3. Wow, celeb style but again stop trying too hard - 4. Better, 80’s style but lacking a bit of colour - 5. Too much colour (pyjamas?)- 6. Dapper, we are close now - 7. 99% perfect - 8. That’s the one - It would be great to see at least 12 of you this year. Let’s make it happen people. Either way let me know if you can make it. Also please forward this on to more of your dart friends. More the merrier. BC 2014 Details: Rankings: Records: (I’ve lost my outdoor record) I also believe James is the first man to win both the tournament and the Jocky award – a great champion! The Hero

The Chaos Gets The Most Rendered and Wins The Jocky Award


Group Matchups during Dulwich Area Masters 2014

Player with ✔ progressed into the next round (only corresponds to group games)

Group Round 1 - Allah: The Hero ✔
Group Round 1 - Allah: The Matador ✔
Group Round 1 - Allah: Double
Group Round 1 - Jesus Wept: El 8 Ball ✔
Group Round 1 - Jesus Wept: The Heatseeker ✔
Group Round 1 - Jesus Wept: Splash
Group Round 1 - Jesus Wept: Bungle
Group Round 1 - Jesus Won: 'Rocky of the Oche' ✔
Group Round 1 - Jesus Won: The Chaos ✔
Group Round 1 - Jesus Won: The Rage
Group Round 1 - Jesus Won: The Captain
Group Round 1 - Play with yourself: Be My Valentine
Group Round 1 - Tug-off: Splash ✔
Group Round 1 - Tug-off: The Captain ✔
Group Round 1 - Tug-off: Double
Group Round 1 - Tug-off: Bungle
Group Round 1 - Tug-off: The Rage
Group Round 1 - Tug-off: The Satch
Group Semi - Abuja: 'Rocky of the Oche' ✔
Group Semi - Abuja: The Matador ✔
Group Semi - Abuja: The Captain
Group Semi - Abuja: Splash
Group Semi - Lagos: The Hero ✔
Group Semi - Lagos: El 8 Ball ✔
Group Semi - Lagos: The Chaos
Group Semi - Lagos: Splash
Group Final - Goodluck Johnathan: The Matador ✔
Group Final - Goodluck Johnathan: The Hero
Group Final - Goodluck Johnathan: El 8 Ball
Group Final - Goodluck Johnathan: 'Rocky of the Oche'

Players and Points

The Matador - 9 pts
The Hero - 6 pts
El 8 Ball - 6 pts
'Rocky of the Oche' - 6 pts
Splash - 4 pts
The Chaos - 4 pts
The Captain - 4 pts
The Heatseeker - 4 pts
Bungle - 2 pts
Be My Valentine - 2 pts
The Satch - 2 pts
The Rage - 2 pts
Double - 2 pts