The Hero Wins Dulwich Area Masters 2015

Venue: PLC
Date: 05 12 2015
Dress: Double Demin v Pharaohs

I’ve managed to sort out the results from some photographic evidence. Well done for making the final Decs – not sure where you actually were for it.

DAM 2015 could only be described one way - An SAS selection processed played out with darts and 11 men in physical peak primed for the occasion. In the following 7 hours they would struggle with what most would outline as the most physically demanding day in darts. Oche time is always guaranteed at DAM but would people be able to fulfil that offer?

With only two attendees arriving before the agreed fine time and some players feeling over 90 minutes late was an acceptable time to turn up, there would only be two winners on that Saturday night – Captain Morgan with his throat ripping Rum and Phil the barman and his back pocket.

Before proceedings had kicked off, thirty minutes of throat warming was necessary for some and from that moment the slide into Darts Nadir started.

Ding Ding - Round One
The far board (Wrangler) started strongly with an immediate acceleration in scoring. The Matador and The Chaos proved that throat stamina and arriving on time can prove to be the difference and progressed to round two.

The near board (Levis) struggled from the off. New man It’s Been Twenty Years (IBTY) struggled for range early on and scores struggling to get above the ubiquitous Bollock and Piss. Eventually the experience of The Hero and The Rage forced themselves to the front and scraped through to round two. However, along the way The Rage picked up his customary ASBOs – was the damage too much?

Lee brought up the rear so much so that losers in the first two groups joined in to bolster numbers. Ace had burst into the room like a drunken Liberace but there was some surprising finesse to his arm and most were astonished to see him make round two. Had his finage taken affect yet? Had he annoyed too many people? IBTY, bolstering the numbers, was finding his range and promptly took his legs with aplomb. With limited rum intake so far could he be a contender?

Play off
They say that rule number one of mass man darts legs is a maximum of 4 to a board. DAM tore that rulebook a new one and promptly created a 5 man army of darts focused on one goal only: a battle to the semi-finals. Everyone deserves a second chance but some were touching on three and there comes a time when it’s time to sort the men from the boys. Nothing Special and Splash proving they had the

The Rage Gets The Most Rendered and Wins The Jocky Award


Group Matchups during Dulwich Area Masters 2015

Player with ✔ progressed into the next round (only corresponds to group games)

Group Round 1 - Lee: Ace ✔
Group Round 1 - Lee: It's been Twenty Years ✔
Group Round 1 - Lee: The Heatseeker
Group Round 1 - Lee: 'Rocky of the Oche'
Group Round 1 - Levis: The Hero ✔
Group Round 1 - Levis: The Rage ✔
Group Round 1 - Levis: It's been Twenty Years
Group Round 1 - Levis: Nothing Special
Group Round 1 - Play-off with yourself: Nothing Special ✔
Group Round 1 - Play-off with yourself: Splash ✔
Group Round 1 - Play-off with yourself: Bungle
Group Round 1 - Play-off with yourself: 'Rocky of the Oche'
Group Round 1 - Play-off with yourself: The Heatseeker
Group Round 1 - Wrangler: The Matador ✔
Group Round 1 - Wrangler: The Chaos ✔
Group Round 1 - Wrangler: Bungle
Group Round 1 - Wrangler: Splash
Group Semi - Cleopatra comin at ya: Ace ✔
Group Semi - Cleopatra comin at ya: The Rage ✔
Group Semi - Cleopatra comin at ya: 'Rocky of the Oche'
Group Semi - Cleopatra comin at ya: It's been Twenty Years
Group Semi - Tut: The Hero ✔
Group Semi - Tut: The Matador ✔
Group Semi - Tut: Nothing Special
Group Semi - Tut: The Chaos
Group Final - Blinded by Denim and rum: The Hero ✔
Group Final - Blinded by Denim and rum: The Matador
Group Final - Blinded by Denim and rum: The Rage
Group Final - Blinded by Denim and rum: Ace

Players and Points

The Hero - 9 pts
The Matador - 6 pts
Ace - 6 pts
The Rage - 6 pts
Nothing Special - 4 pts
The Chaos - 4 pts
It's been Twenty Years - 4 pts
'Rocky of the Oche' - 4 pts
Splash - 4 pts
Bungle - 4 pts
The Heatseeker - 2 pts