The Hero Wins Dulwich Area Masters 2016

Venue: PLC
Date: 05 12 2016
Dress: House of Cards v House of Pain

The Glutton Gets The Most Rendered and Wins The Jocky Award


Group Matchups during Dulwich Area Masters 2016

Player with ✔ progressed into the next round (only corresponds to group games)

Group Round 1 - House of Representatives (playoff): Splash ✔
Group Round 1 - House of Representatives (playoff): The Glutton ✔
Group Round 1 - House of Representatives (playoff): Be My Valentine
Group Round 1 - House of Representatives (playoff): The Walrus
Group Round 1 - Jump around: The Hero ✔
Group Round 1 - Jump around: The Glutton
Group Round 1 - Jump around: Be My Valentine
Group Round 1 - Shamrocks and Shenanigans: Bungle ✔
Group Round 1 - Shamrocks and Shenanigans: Splash
Group Round 1 - Shamrocks and Shenanigans: The Walrus
Group Semi - Clinton: The Hero ✔
Group Semi - Clinton: The Glutton ✔
Group Semi - Clinton: Splash ✔
Group Semi - Clinton: Bungle
Group Final - Trump: The Hero ✔
Group Final - Trump: The Glutton
Group Final - Trump: Splash

Players and Points

The Hero - 9 pts
The Glutton - 7 pts
Splash - 7 pts
Bungle - 5 pts
The Walrus - 2 pts
Be My Valentine - 2 pts