The Hero Wins Bermuda Classic 2004

Venue: 40 Muschamp Road, East Dulwich
Date: 20 06 2004
Dress: Pirates

The Bermuda Herald

If you try bellowing “Scupper me sideways you Salty Seadog!” in most public places, you’re likely to be asked to move on and stop frightening the children.

Our man Chuck Yarrow found out, however, that such parlance could be used under certain circumstances - when he jumped aboard the “Bermuda Classic” for an ocean going darts competition.

If ever there’s a sight that’s guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of men, it’s a host of young fellows dressed in slightly too-tight pirate’s garb, hanging round the docks.

However, this was the vista that greeted me at East Dulwich’s world famous Muschamp Road Boatyard, when I joined a piratical party of darting enthusiasts for the second annual Bermuda Classic Darts Tournament.

“Oooh Sailor!”

Now - even landlubbers know that the Bermuda Triangle demands levels of bravery uncommon amongst men to sail her seas.

Imagine how brave you have to be, then, to not only sail those seas; but also take part in a world-class invitational darts competition at the same time! Surveying the gathered contestants, it was clear that each displayed an unnatural fearlessness, which struck me as strange.

The ancient, subtle and time honoured tradition of ‘Finage’

I was just thinking it might be due to the large quantities of a strange drink called ‘diesel’ I’d seen consumed when all of a sudden, without the slightest hint of a Chorus of Angels - or even ‘Let Me Entertain You’ - Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, appeared from below deck! With such holy sponsorship, it was suddenly clear how these men were keeping their peckers up in the face of such adversity.

As soon as I was onboard, I clambered up the rigging to gain a better view of proceedings and surveyed the oche, situated amidships.

It seemed as though the seafaring darts regulations were exactly the same as those on land, with the throwing distance coming in at just under 1/23rd of a league.

The tournament setting was deceptively simple: a driftwood backboard prevented damage to the main cabin, a large harbour stone served as an oche and a hatch into the galley allowed the seamen access to the cold storage.

As I watched from the crow’s nest, the anchor was hoisted; the ship’s rum cracked open and the Bermuda Classic

na Gets The Most Rendered and Wins The Jocky Award


1:1 Matchups during Bermuda Classic 2004

First Round - Smart Dart bt The Tungsten Tiger
First Round - The Heatseeker bt The Rage
First Round - Jesus bt The Ashman
Quarter finals - The Hero bt Smart Dart
Quarter finals - Frankendart bt The Heatseeker
Quarter finals - Bullyseye bt The Matador
Quarter finals - El 8 Ball bt Jesus
Semi Finals - The Hero bt Frankendart
Semi Finals - El 8 Ball bt Bullyseye
Final - The Hero bt El 8 Ball

Players and Points

The Hero - 9 pts
El 8 Ball - 7 pts
Bullyseye - 5 pts
Frankendart - 5 pts
The Heatseeker - 3 pts
Smart Dart - 3 pts
The Matador - 3 pts
Jesus - 3 pts
The Rage - 2 pts
The Ashman - 2 pts
The Tungsten Tiger - 2 pts